Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Various ways you can help people on the internet and the internet can help you

Eclectic Energies-Interesting acupuncture charts, symptom/malady/meridian indexes, mellow laid back setup, Electronic Yijing (thats I-ching for roundeyes) .

Qi Journal-Journal of Chinese medicine and philosophy. Wealth of strange wonders!

One Click(On Myspizzle or Not)-make free donations with one click-for real well ok actually 3 clicks because you have to click on the link scroll down the page and choose the charity you would like to learn more about and then click on it! Donations range from seed crops, medicine, water, building supplies, clothing, and hard cash, but all the actual $$ is donated by the sponsors of the site. Its very simple and easy, you can handle it I promise.

Free Rice-strange but worthwhile site! For every word for which you match correctly with its best definition, The United Nations graciously doles out 10 grains of rice to anonymous persons who remain unidentified. I made em bust out over 1000 grains yestereve, but I must say its a bit culturally biased, what isnt really?

MDG Monitor-tracking the millenium development goals. Surreal, has to be seen to be believed, in kind of a good way I guess.

Or you can go say hello to the worlds friend The WorldBank!
Thanks World Bank youre the best World Bank the world has ever known!

Im never thru

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