Thursday, November 22, 2007

Justin Boland We Salute You!!

Do you know Justin Boland? No, me neither. But If I met him I would be tempted to give him a bigass bear hug and say something like right the fuck on.

Does this ring any bells?

666 = 18 x 37. Thus 37 is the largest prime factor of the number of the beast; and the factor 18 is significant in that it represents the age at which many vices become legal.
37 squared is 1369, a number which combines the unlucky connotations of 13 with the sexual connotations of 69. 13 and 69 are themselves connected in that 13 squared is 169.
This superlative character is the wizard behind the curtain of a growing empire of Oz, the curator of several amazing websites, uncommonly talented lyricist/mc, dope beat producer, warrior poet, as well as a new breed of visionary cybermutant with the innate ability to target his market and reverse-engineer himself as their inscrutable avatar.
Are you starting to undertstand yet?
Coins are like struggles, they both have at least two sides. The struggle I speak of is the control of the ability to set the context of dialogue, to dress the stage , name the characters, and call the cast. The battle to decide who gets to decide whats real and what isnt, in a society enraptured by its own outlook, is more important than any swords, bullets, bombs, or airplanes can ever be.
This is the meaning behind phrases like war of words, information war, and the battle against the human imagination.
On one side of our drama we have the technocrats who represent the old paradigm, its antiquated industries and the blind faith in their business model that binds them to it. On the other side we have the techno-mutant, who as a direct product of change is utterly fearless in the face of all the technocrats greatest phobias, the mutant has learned the old lessons, gained from the old technology, taken what is alive and green, and prepares to head over the next horizon. I think you can see how the conflict Im foreshadowing might develop.
Let me zoom in a little closer, and describe how this plays out in a smaller way. Lets talk about something I can go on and on about for hours. Lets talk about music.
The music "industry" is in freefall, sales of hardcopy albums are falling off at record rates, and the big labels seem to have entirely lost touch( if they ever made contact in the first place) with what the art of making "quality" music is really about. The internet has become THE WAY that an artist can present their art to a global audience, find their niche, network, and exchange goods for services with little intermediary between. This does not mean if you join myspace, soundclick, facebook, or tribe your world is going to be forever altered, these tools, like any, are only as good as the monkey swingin em!
However if you are dedicated, resourceful, able to communicate clearly, and actually talented (or have someone helping you who is) you may stand to gain much from interacting globally with both the fans and fellow purveyors of whatever genres of music you represent. Even contact with wackass phony hacks can show you what not to do, and studying the details of their missteps can save you a lot of wasted time and effort. But this datasphere is not solely a place of abstraction it is also a vast global marketplace.
Again dont let me delude you, I have talked with and read about people who make money off their merchandise, their ad/clicks, their ability to move the masses to scrutinize their latest wares, but I myself have made $0 off of my current online presence and I have been at it for at least six months now. Bear in mind my tracks are all available as free downloads, I have no other merch for sale, and Im not looking to record a studio album anytime soon.
My reasons for this are quantum but let me give you the gist of it. Before I took the name Dragonfish Killswitch onto the glorious interwebs, the people who had heard of me and my musical stylings numbered in the 200 er so range, mostly my friends and their friends friends friend. But thanks to my diligence and The Funkasaurus people all over the world now listen to my music, know my name, and request my presence.
I had a dude just the other day ask me when I would be making the circuit of NY, Rome and London, he was probly kinda taken aback to hear Ive never played anyplace more exotic than Portland, Oregon, which is a little over a hundred miles south of Tacoma, Washington, my current place in the world. From this exposure I hope to create both my brand and my fanbase, and the ability to tour and go where I am wanted the most, which right now appears to be Washington, Oregon California, New York, Texas, England, Spain, Italy, Germany, Australia and Japan. This data is just based off where I get the most hits from on my site map. I warned you I could talk about music forever.
37 is my mentor and unofficial chief stragetist for my current business model/outlook on all this, he is nearly always several steps ahead of where I am in my planning/manifestation. He is one of the few people I come in "contact" with that I feel both inspired and challenged by on a regular basis, and he is straight wise to the ways of this hustle in ways I am only beginning to be.
Remember the technocrats/mutant struggle?
That was awesome!! Well let me get back to that by dropping a name on you, Robert Anton Wilson. Raw only got to use the tool we call the Internet for 5-10 years before he transmuted forms. But even before this tool, raw was a supreme master of controlling the flow of information and energy around in him in such a way as to redefine the terms that one uses to process his very thusness.
In other words a wizard. A wizard who learned to create not only his own mythos but his own ethos, not to mention quantum histories, and multiple personas. I think its important to figure these things out on your own but suffice it to say that very little about this man is as it appears. Raw warped the lines between fact and fiction in ways that no one but a politician really can.
Which leads us back to technocrats. These people own ALL the weapons factories, ALL the communications networks, ALL of this plastic/cement dystopic drama of a culture they created. They can hurt/kill anyone with virtual impunity at will, but on a global scale this takes massive standing armies/police forces, which calls for a huge budget.
It would all be so much easier if the masses could be controlled without their knowledge or consent. If we made them so weak-minded that their obvious numerical superiority failed to be a factor in this conflict. If we made them believe that our way is not only the best way but indeed the only way to live in a sane, healthy, respectable society then we could have much smaller police forces that could mostly focus on weeding out the mutations and maintaining our beloved status qou.
It would be just that easy if the mutants werent savvy to this formula and able to turn this idea back again on itself and replenish the stage of archetypes with strange variables that change based on the viewers perspective, once again creating feedback throughout the system and causing the enslaved masses to fire neurons so tenuosly held under sway by the technocrat hegemony.
Not only that but we are better at this game than they are because we hold our imaginations/instinct/intuition as sacred and do not confine them to the unthinking formats of dogmatism. We adapt faster because we do not waste all that energy on fearing the unknown, so instead we have extra energy to percieve the quantum variables and act accordingly. Perhaps most importantly in reconstructing the color of our own image and presence from the cultural beige we have come to know ourselves in a way that is without equal.
Now do you think you know Justin Boland? Then consider this, how do you know Im not him creating another alter-ego, another mask to hide behind, you would never know the difference! ;~)


Justin Boland said...

Thank you, man. It means a lot to know all this insanity is useful.

Df Killswitch said...

Wooooooorrdd uuuuuuuuppppppp!!!!!!!!

The pleasure is all on this side of the table!

Nah really though I mean every word